Right-wing influencer Andrew Tate lashed out on social media at Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) amid reports Florida’s top law enforcement officer opened a criminal investigation into Tate, who returned to the U.S. last week despite facing allegations including human trafficking in Romania.
Communism is when you are punished for human trafficking
He views women as a commodity, I’m not surprised his two neurons fired off and made the connection.
lol, lmao even
Sounds like he doesn’t know what words mean.
Man I am shocked and awed that DeSantis has a moral bone left in his body. Not sure I actually believe it I’m sure there’s a angle I haven’t seen yet, but I’ll fucking take it I guess.
It’s probably his only move. He failed to take Trump’s place. Kissing the ring hasn’t gotten him anywhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if he pivots to Rubio’s stance of several years ago—still really shitty but closer to pre-MAGA Republican.
Or, it might just be because he has daughters that are almost ripe for Tate’s picking.
I don’t think the governor is personally involved in this prosecution. That may change if trump feels like he has to intervene though
Angry that I’m on same side as desantis on anything
This might be the very first time I agree with DeSantis on anything. A communist, however, he is not.
Not the hero we deserve, nor the hero we need, but still a rare W for DeSantis.
Somebody mad that they got Art of the Deal extradited to be the distraction for a party of abusers?
Minus the sex trafficking, the crypto scams, the regular scams, the scam university, the misogyny, the self loathing, the racism, the constant social media abuse, the bribery, and the weaponization of his incel audience, he’s a cool dude and I wish him all the best in this spat with that dirty communist.
he’s a cool dude
He’s not a right wing infuencer, he’s a sex offending rapist.
the overlap may surprise you
Without my glasses, I can’t tell if the graph is a Venn diagram or a circle.
Ok, sex offending rapist, and right wing influencer. Seems a bit redundant to write it twice though /s
Hmmmm. Did Tate not love Trump hard enough? I heard the Trumpers are starting to weed out their own.
I believe the tradition for resolving personal disputes like this in Florida is 12” blades in a pit until only one man is still moving.
The winner gets to fight the gators.
That’s a no blades fight though.
Thanks, Comrade Ron “Guantanamo” DeSantis. Very cool.
Let the infighting of the stupids begin!
Fnord fnord fnord.