a little over 60 hours, when ME3 came out I played it from midnight (or whenever a VPN gave me acess) until I had to go to work, then got home and played it until I had to go to work again when I got home from work after that I just passed out until the next morning. I have no idea why I got that obsessive, it doesn’t happen to me anymore. Which is actually less fun, it never really affected my life in a major way except this one time.
a little over 60 hours, when ME3 came out I played it from midnight (or whenever a VPN gave me acess) until I had to go to work, then got home and played it until I had to go to work again when I got home from work after that I just passed out until the next morning. I have no idea why I got that obsessive, it doesn’t happen to me anymore. Which is actually less fun, it never really affected my life in a major way except this one time.