I feel like this is an incredibly obvious yes. They were down for 12 hours. They put Trump’s name as their savior in the error message… Then the CEO shows up to his inauguration. Trump freely admits that it is because he believes TikTok helped him win the election:
“I have a warm spot in my heart for TikTok because I won youth by 34 points,” Trump said in December. “And there are those that say TikTok had something to do with that.”
So. Yeah. Of fucking course it was. Fuck national security and all that nonsense, ME ME ME!
Why, he had no need of it whatsoever, unfathomably he has won control of everything and owes no one anything. Also the world is just not this well managed, it’s all just chaos and carnage and design in hindsight.
The only thing that can make Trump look good is his obituary
I don’t think there was any grand Machiavellian scheme. Trump just capitalized on historic democrat incompetence to make himself look good.
Which part of Trump proposing, implementing and then yesterday delaying the ban was down to Democrat incompetence?
Please explain how Trump managed to implement this ban with a democrat controlled senate and Joe Biden as president.
Thanks, I’ll field this extremely easy question - By executive order before it was a bipartisan bill supported by every level of government:
To me, making sure that everyone agrees with a new policy before it becomes law, and sending it through the proper channels to be debated and then enacted, doesn’t really seem like a dumb thing.
The dumb thing would be to propose a new law, enact it unilaterally, have it revoked because it was enacted unilaterally, then have everyone agree on it anyway when you pass it through the proper channels, then toss it in the trash yourself at literally the first opportunity.
So why did Democrats fall for it?
To try to make him look bad, is my theory.
So they’re fucking stupid?
The law stipulates that the POTUS is the person who determines that a platform or app is in violation. Once that happens, an investigation is launched through the AG’s office and applicable agencies. After that the AG’s office makes a determination about whether or not the app/platform is in violation of the law. Once that happens, the platform or app can appeal. But if they lose that appeal then they have a limited time to divest to another entity before their platform is banned and the POTUS can pause not revoke this process for a period of time (to give the app time to divest as is required). So basically Trump now has given Tik Tok a stay of execution so to speak but that doesn’t mean they won’t be forced to shut down or divest.
This was a direct politically planned and intended effect of this push so close to the inauguration, so far as I can tell. It’s politicians doing political stuff.
Right now he looks like the savior (and that’s intentional, both Tik Tok and Trump get something out of that). But in the long term I don’t know that most Tik Tok users are going to remember that Trump bought the app back and to actually remove the law requires an act of Congress. That will take more time than the limited amount that Trump can essentially delay the removal of the app from app stores and American servers.
I honestly think this was a fuck you to Trump from Biden because essentially Biden’s political career is over. Trump is going to do a lot of damage over the next 4 years and do as much as he can to undo any of the progress that has been made. It’s kind of a petty move on Biden’s part, but Trump started this colossal movement against Tik Tok in the first place.
No, and that’s an incredibly stupid premise. Trump wasn’t the one to push the Ban. He wasn’t the one to keep it going to completion, and he sure didn’t PLAN on not having a second consecutive term. He’s just following his most basic programming of If Biden did(Thing); Undo(Thing)
He was the one who initiated the ban…
So you would suggest that Trump initiated the ban just so he could block it at the last minute, in an effort to make himself look good? If the Donvict hadn’t gotten himself thrown out of office and had been able to see if through, there is no reality in which he then overturns his own ban at the last moment. He purely and only overturned it here because it was not seen as something He did, but something Biden did.
The premise that Trump pulled a bait and switch, deliberately initiating the ban specifically so he could “look good” by overturning it is absolutely idiotic. He overturned it because Biden finished it, and “Undo Biden” is one of his overriding directives.
Nobody except genocide joe thought it was a good idea to censor an extremely popular app because it revealed the truth about his genocide.
Biden reversed Trump’s previous executive order banning it and said he would just support whatever Congress decides, and both sides of Congress bipartisanly supported a ban. But sure… Only Genocide Joe. 🙄
That’s old news, it’s “Genocide Don” now.