It really isn’t. I’m not digging on PopOS, but articles like this make it seem like there is a world of difference in performance between distributions, and that’s just not true.
Greetings from Temple OS. The gamers choice for holy gaming.
I have nothing against Pop_OS or what not, but this article gives absolutely zero info on why/how.
It’s an ads for Pop_OS! paid by System76 or it’s AI generated.
This article is total shat.
And the comments: Here is 30 reasons Pop_OS sucks for gaming
Is there really much of a difference in game performance between “game focused” distros and other ones like mint?
Not really. Nobara comes prepackaged with a plethora of game related utilities and tons of kernel tweaks and packages to optimize it for gaming, but I highly doubt any gamer could tell the difference, between it and mint in the middle of a game. Use the distribution you like that works well for you.
That’s kinda what I was figuring. I’ve been using mint for several months now and I really like it and I’ve gotten it all adjusted to my preferences. I’ve checked out pop os, but I’m not a fan of the OS layout. It reminds me of android lol.