Where does the poop go?
Can both mouths eat?
Is one a false head to confuse predators?
he looks disgusted
But in a horny way
I want a tshirt and a set of coasters with this motif
Those are strawberries, just saying
The upper head looks so done with this shit. That was not a naturally born centaur with a face-ass. That’s the horrible result of magic gone wrong.
How long has he been forced to play? How long must this go on? Why did the droopy one have to come to this show? They broke up, it just wasn’t working, why does she still show up every time?
“I’d do anything to become the best musician in the kingdom!” “Would you become a centaur but your ass is another face?” “What the fuck? No!” “You said anything; your wish is granted!”
What were those medieval people on and can I get some.
Those are wild strawberries
ngl that cloth rendering is pretty nice
I think that’s supposed to be the body of a stag, which makes it a cervitaur.