For me it would be a full copy of wikipedia, an offline copy of some maps of where I live, some linux ISO’s, and a lot of entertainment media.
Can’t believe I’m the first to say this, but… porn.
Extra RAM.
Wikipedia would be the most valuable thing if I had to pick one, I guess.
An maybe the “your jimmies are eternal video” in case I need to unrustle my jimmie ever again.
The Time Cube so I could rebuild society.
Even better version:
Not to be confused with Times Square
What the hell
Lots of code repos. Especially repos for programming languages, compilers, and Git.
Arch wiki with arch man docs.
I’ve made sure I’m good to go, as I always thought the day might come that I can’t afford internet anyway.
I have my entire gog and itch library downloaded (if I have any steam games not on gog, I’ve pirated them if I can find it). I have my nas full of movies and tv. I listen to all my favourite music on records. Every couple of years I go through and update my rom library to make sure I have the most to to date best known roms.
Even as much as possible I keep latest version of the Linux iso I might want, and if there is an appimage of my most used programs, it’s there too.
I’m pretty much ready for my life to become leaner when it comes to internet.
I wanna be your friend lol
Today I learned I’m unintentionally preparing for the Internet apocalypse.
All the images I have bookmarked on multiple devices from e621, any game I’ve been even possibly hesitating on pirating, all my Steam games (I don’t trust Inwouldnhe able to get in and install them if I could even get into my account to begin with at that point), and downloading every single song I have saved on yt and Newpipe because I’d never see them again.
A whole slew of things.
i already download all my favs from e6 and FA lul
DownThemAll, Double Click Image Downloader, Gallery Swallower userscript.
The games you can probably get via sneakernet.
Assuming the web would go completely bust, I’d go back to a much simpler life.
Man I have never thought about it because of feeling so at ease with the digital video game stores and just downloading what I want whenever I want without keeping a physical library that would take up space. Same with books.
If the internet died tomorrow, I would have the stuff I’m playing or reading or watching downloaded but I would be out of luck for anything else until it came back. Maybe it’s time to start a backup, get a big HDD or something
Definitely entertainment, but beyond that, Networking classes so that I can hack together a intranet for my household and the neighbourhood
Having the whole wikipedia would get you a damn good start to getting back to civilization.
Only as good as you know about the topic, try doing a http server from just a Wikipedia page
Not too hard with a single server as your node and everyone being wired into it. Obviously you would have to code every website and have all required dependencies there already.
Honestly, I think I’m mostly set already (as I often go backpacking and there’s no internet there). I have offline maps for the country I’m in and neighboring regions downloaded in OsmAnd and (two sources just in case), Wikipedia in Kiwix, and my custom NixOS setup as a bootable ISO on a flashdrive. I’ll probably miss being able to watch science/maths edutainment on YouTube, but it’s not something I’d download.
Those naked pictures of your mom
Oh please, you can find those in the yellow pages
Dick Valentine, is that you?
Honestly I’d probably just give up on technology entirely. Become a hermit carpenter or something