Ah, gotcha. Yeah I can’t say that really bothers me too much… 😅
I’m not sure there are really any big names in that space that don’t suck anyway. Like the other two I’m familiar with are google and Amazon, and they’re hardly saints.
A “roll your own” solution with keepass and something to sync might sidestep that problem but is hardly a drop in replacement that appeals to all the same users
+1 for tuta and bitwarden.
I won’t touch anything microsoft with a long pole, so no bitwarden
Just use KeePassXc/Dx as you were meant to
Did you misread Bitlocker? Or was Bitwarden bought my Microsoft? If the latter, i can’t find a source.
Bitwarden is associated with Microsoft…?
Edit: I wasn’t able to find anything suggesting they’re connected, I’d love to know what you mean… I don’t keep up with stuff super closely
At most I think it’s hosted on azure. That’s it.
Ah, gotcha. Yeah I can’t say that really bothers me too much… 😅
I’m not sure there are really any big names in that space that don’t suck anyway. Like the other two I’m familiar with are google and Amazon, and they’re hardly saints.
A “roll your own” solution with keepass and something to sync might sidestep that problem but is hardly a drop in replacement that appeals to all the same users
Locked with your master key so… no biggie? Or did i miss anything?
Not that I can see. I assume it’s just an aversion to anything Microsoft profits off of?