As a person who grew up in American schools post-Columbine, with kids in schools now, and none of us are CEOs, this is probably the take that saddens me most about this whole event. It’s our kids, and the argument used to be about freedom. Soon, we won’t even have that. What was the fucking point? (Rhetorical: profit)
I know we’re all alive at a special time in humanity. We think we’re so civilized. Then I look around, and it’s the same history playing on repeat. When do the monkeys figure out it’s one species? (Rhetorical again: 😬)
People aren’t all the same species. People with human bodies come in lots of species on the inside. For example, drag has a pet dragon whose body is human. The world is much more interesting after you realise everyone’s different.
You have a pet human? Is that like a sex thing?
No, drag doesn’t have any pet humans. You must have drag confused for someone else.
Does drag have any pet dragons in a human body? Is that pet dragon a sex thing?
That’s a really weird and gross way to talk about drag’s fiance.
That’s a really weird and gross way to talk about drag’s fiance.
I agree.
It was drag who first described drag’s fiance as a dragon in a human’s body (weird but cool), and as an owned pet (gross and toxic). Weird-ass dragonfucking I’m fine with, but ownership is gross.
So you’re a vegan, then?
Or do you only think ownership is wrong when it’s consented to?
looks at username Uh oh…
Ikr jfc
What? Do you have a problem with dragons, or just with love?
I have a problem with dragons. They’re overused to the point of being boring
That’s a bit of an ironic thing to say if you’re a human.
No it’s not. They don’t fill the same story niche. And you’re human too, regardless of what your calls for calls for attention say.
Yeah? What of it?
Dunno why they downvoted you.
Maybe they want the world to be boring
Because this multiple species take has been a basis of slavery in the past.
people aren’t realizing this is that crazy guy who thinks he’s a dragon and refers to himself in third person.
No one’s enslaving anybody. Dreg’s just being a based otherkin and living beyond the limitations of human existence.
Drag doesn’t use he/him pronouns, and doesn’t identify as a guy. You’re allowed to disagree with drag’s gender identity and think trans people should only be allowed to identify as genders you approve of, but assigning an entirely new gender onto drag is taking things a bit too far.