People who have never been to L.A. really have no idea how insanely huge it is. Driving to my apartment from the start of city (before you even get to L.A. county) and having the city just keep going and going and going for two hours and not because of traffic jams is something you have to experience to truly understand.

    2 months ago

    NC has a higher pop than LA county.
    Wake county (NC) has a higher pop than MT.

    I lived near Orange for a while. The way the cities and towns have 0 gaps between them was nuts to me. It’s just… you cross the street.

    In MT you have 2 lane roads with several miles in between. The county I’m in now doesn’t touch the interstate. Wild.

    Also means the fires out here, as terrifying as they are to my hurricane-seasoned ass, are more likely to take out stuff in the middle of nowhere and a handful of houses, not entire swaths of suburbia.