Hello everyone,

It’s occurred to me that I have a problem getting prime gear and never asked about it: I have a hard time picking an item, figuring out which relics to crack to get its pieces, and actually doing it.

So, to that end how to you sort what you should be doing in order to acquire new prime gear? I’ve managed to reach MR28 and I seriously doubt I’ll be getting any further without being able to effectively hunt and acquire Prime gear.

  • tehSharkness@lemm.ee
    2 months ago


    You’ll have to manually create a wishlist, but is pretty straightforward in checking things off. Note that it doesn’t tell you when you need dupes (ie multiple blades or handles).

    As far as being efficient, there is getting relics, cracking relics, and getting void traces.

    Getting relics, you should get plenty Lith, Meso, and Neo from doing just about anything. New relics (for the current Prime access) for the lower tiers are typically found in the void. Do the capture missions. Supplement that with using faction rep to buy relics.

    For Axi relics, Apollo on Lua. Popular node so you can always squad up with matchmaking. Get efficient at Disruption and profit.

    As far as cracking relics, use recruitment chat to get as many players as you can running the same relic. Prioritize capture missions if you can, probably exterminate after that. Avoid (mobile) defense, survival, and interception to a lesser extent. Those game modes are just too slow. Try to pause at enemy groups as you go through the mission and wait for a void rift to corrupt them so you get reactant.

    For void traces, resource doublers are pretty much it. Not sure if the pet mods can double them, but boosters do work. Only way to get it is cracking more relics, so run capture fissures.

    • Halasham@dormi.zoneOP
      2 months ago

      Thanks! The Wishlist was just the thing I was thinking I could use to help with this.

  • Obituarykidney@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I know it’s a late reply, but honestly the only effective way to get prime items is farm plat by selling on Warframe.market

    I’m currently lr3 and working on lr4. My strategy has been to farm the stuff that’s farmable, even the really bad ones and I end up a bunch of parts I don’t need along the way that people are willing to buy e.g. arum spinosa. I ended up with 8 blades before I got the rivet. Sold the 6 blades I don’t need for 15p each. 90p is 2-3 prime weapons.

    Do the invasions for weapon parts and sell once you have a set, those are worth 40-60p each.

    Farm Lato/braton vandal in ESO and you’ll have tons and tons of primed relics to open and sell the parts from.

    Use Alecaframe. Not only does it have a mastery helper and the inventor tab can show you which items you’re missing, but you can also filter your inventory by mods, sort it by highest plat value, filter those results by “own more than one” and “not leveled up”. This shows you which mods you have duplicates of that don’t have any endo invested and how much plat they are worth. A lot of random mods go for 5-10p each and I have stacks of them. List them on the market for sale and you’ll sell a couple every time you log in.

    • Halasham@dormi.zoneOP
      1 month ago

      Don’t mind a late reply, especially with such detailed and helpful advice. Thank you!

  • Dystopia@dormi.zone
    2 months ago

    I prioritized whatever was in the prime vault at the time because those things always took a while to come back into rotation. Once you’re done collecting anything vaulted, you can try to collect the older primes still in rotation. They will have multiple relics available making it a lot easier to get the parts you need.

    It’s not efficient, but I would always collect the main bp for a part so I could look up what I was still missing at a glance in the foundry.

    Profit Taker is a pretty good farm if the radiant relic you want is in the drop table, it saves a huge amount of time trying to collect void traces. There was one other bounty (Phase 2) in there where you assassinate corpus researchers which was also very fast after getting through all of the dialog.

    Sell junk and buy the parts you need on https://warframe.market/. Popular primes like Wukong usually sell pretty fast for a reasonable amount, depending on how long you’ve been playing you might have a decent stash of relics to burn to complete sets and sell him. Reworked primes like Nyx also tend to sell fairly fast after an update too.