Diarrhea: Soupy Poopy.
Gas: Pooty Booty
I literally started chuckling alone in my parked car.
Should I add parked car ? Not browsing while driving 💥 🚗
parky carrie
Auto spotto
Good. no scrolly wheely
“Maybe baby” definitely needs to be a thing.
It actually is, at least in Germany you can buy pregnany tests of a brand called “Maybe-baby”.
Does it also rhyme in German?
These aren’t actually German words. It’s just an anglicism for a proper noun. So yes, it does rhyme in German, but only because it’s pronounced the English way.
bites tongue
I GOTTA BE ‘WELL ACTUALLY GUY’. I can’t help it.
A defib would actually be the Hearty Less Retardy.
Edit: And if that offends you, sorry. But it’s literally accurate.
Instead of pedant maybe we can say (and I don’t actually mean this as an insult)… picky pricky?
bitey taster?
Maybe… Hearty Re-Starty?
Ticker Re-jigger?
Pumper Bumper?
Despite what happens in movies, defibrillators are used to stop arrhythmia and don’t jump start hearts back up. Arhythmia is when the timing/pace is out of sync, which is also known as timing retardation. Although we usually use that term for engines, it’s essentially the exact same thing.
Air conditioner: Freezy Breezy
@threelonmusketeers @panchzila. Oven: heaty eaty
Cats would be furry purries.
Uno, dos, meow, meow, tres, cuatro!
Pretty little kitty chased a thing she saw.
Had a pouch of catnip and a feather boa
Furry purry, furry purry.
Traffic circles are “Twirly Whirlies”
To non-Americans they’re already “roundabouts”, which is close enough already really
Roundy abounty
Americans mostly call them “oh, fuck? What do I do?” We have the best drivers.
There is one for bra that’s close: over the shoulder boulder holder.
When my son was really young he called them “boobie connectors“. XD
I had to really laugh at “screamy dreamy”
Where is that greentext when you need it?
With the british naming things?
This is actually a common pattern in urdu, though not for names.
Like “chai” means tea so :
- “chai shai” = tea and related stuff
- “khana wana” = food and related stuff
- “paisay waisay” = money and related stuff
it’s the same in hindi.
All I can see is Law and Order.
Dungie Chungie?
I knew I couldn’t be the only one who noticed the type face.
I will be calling bumble bees fuzzy buzzys from now on. Thanks!
I’m actually ok with all of them.
Although a group of hippos is a ‘bloat’, hippos don’t float. Surely a floatie bloatie is a life vest!
Lenny: Edit Reddit