Fuck that gay site, gotta stop wasting time on there.
I quit when I realized how pozzed it was. Just post an unpopular opinion and -9001 downvotes.
What’s the point of a discussion site you can’t discuss a thing on?
Hell, I’ll admit I’m wrong on stuff, but being downvoted to hell doesn’t prove you’re wrong, only that you’re unpopular. Unlike these trendsters, I’m used to being unpopular, it doesn’t really affect me.
I don’t mind downvotes, but now I can’t even respond to people. Dumb.
deleted by creator
Banned permanently or just for a few days? What did you say? Yea I refrainfrom all that now. I give boring yes no or maybe answers. Or sometimes say something helpful. But I’m pretty sure my days are numbered to.
3 day suspension for promoting hate. I said that cutting off your dick and taking estrogen doesn’t make you a woman.
Lucky you only got 3 days for that
That’s true. Posting facts shouldn’t get you banned though.
I did too, multiple times. Tor is very effective at breaking whatever systems they use for ban evasion detection. Though after the 17th account I didn’t return because Reddit expects people to talk like a cuck and kiss up to troons, even though they’re insane.