Not a website, but a facebook group I’m in specifically has a rule against “going live” from the bathroom.
This is further evidence that all safety rules have been written in blood.
This just reminded me that Cardi B did an Instagram live from her bathroom when she was fucking destroying that thing.
I don’t think I’ll ever laugh as hard about any celebrity situation than that one
I just ran into this on the Manjaro forums that they don’t allow any pictures. So this issue I have been battling with my GPU artifacting I can’t show an example of it
GPU artifacting typically means one of the four things, in the order of severity
- Cable is fucked
- Monitor is fucked
- GPU drivers are fucked
- GPU itself is fucked.
To test 1) try changing your refresh rate and resolution to see if the artifacting occurs similarly. If it ceases, change your cable. If one of your monitors displays properly and another monitor artifacts, this is also the main culprit
To test 2) plug in another device that uses the same port your PC uses. If you see similar artifacting, change your monitor
To test 3) try booting your PC off of a live USB with any OS. If you don’t see artifacting, you’re gonna need to change your GPU drivers. Refer to your OS’s documentation on that, not me please.
This step also tests for 4. If you see artifacting, it’s highly likely that your GPU is fucked. Try disconnecting the GPU and use the integrated graphics if that exists, or an old GPU. Use that as a temporary solution until you upgrade your GPU.
You aren’t even allowed to upload it to an external website like Imgur?
Can’t link to a hoster, even type it out to avoid a hyperlink blocker?
I did eventually do that but they do also block links. I just found it dumb I had to go through so many hoops to show a picture for a graphical issue
Jeez that’s just crazy, probably don’t want hosting liability or something, but that’s hilarious.
There was a politics subreddit I was on that had a “downvoting is not allowed” rule. There’s literally no way to tell who’s downvoting on Reddit, or even if downvoting is happening if it’s not enough to go below 0 or trigger the “controversial” indicator.
I got permabanned from that subreddit when someone who’d said something offensive asked “why am I being downvoted???” And I tried to explain to them why that was the case. No trial, one million years dungeon, all modmail ignored. I guess they don’t get to enforce that rule often and so leapt at the opportunity to find an excuse.
CanadaPolitics, right? That rule never made sense to me.
Yup. Fortunately unsubscribing from politics subreddits is generally advisable whether one has been banned from them or not.
I think on the desktop version many years ago the downvote button was hidden, but if you visited from anywhere else you could downvote.
You could also downvote on the desktop site by using the RES keyboard shortcut
There are fewer lifeforms in the universe lower than Reddit mods.
TV Tropes has a rule against “believing in conspiracy theories”.
Well, after a while you start wondering why so many people sit in chairs… It can’t really be a coincidence ?
What a cliché.
A trope, even.
I’ve seen a few blogs with “Don’t comment to say you didn’t like the article, Doug” as a rule.
Classic Doug.
Amazon’s gaming framework can’t be used to thwart zombie apocalypses.
Edit: I was wrong, see comment below :)
Au contraire. The terms of service of the Lumberyard engine used to disallow using it in critical infrastrucure (e.g. hospitals, power plants, military facilities) unless there was a zombie apocalypse.
Why thank you, Cunningham’s Law in action yet again.