An Ohio law would require state transportation officials to build highway interchanges every 4.5 miles — even if they have to tear down homes and businesses to do it.
An Ohio law would require state transportation officials to build highway interchanges every 4.5 miles — even if they have to tear down homes and businesses to do it.
That’s crazy.
The targeted neighborhood homes primarily belong to retired persons, young families, or others on a fixed income.
Of course.
In March 2023, hours before the Ohio state governor signed the new House Bill 23, State Representative Tom Patton wrote new language in the transportation budget
I live nearby so I can give some perspective . The area is a large sprawl of developments between two of the biggest Cleveland suburbs. The homes that will be demolished near the highway have been there for decades. They have two nearby exits already so it’s a mild inconvenience to drive 5 minutes up the road.
That’s crazy.
Of course.
And done in an underhanded way.
If there’s no fuckin’ houses left there what’s the interchange needed for?
“It’s a bypass. You’ve got to build bypasses.”
The plans have been on display for ages
“It was in the cellar.”
“That’s the display department.”
“It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet, stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard’.”
“It’s not as if it is a particularly nice house anyway.”
I live nearby so I can give some perspective . The area is a large sprawl of developments between two of the biggest Cleveland suburbs. The homes that will be demolished near the highway have been there for decades. They have two nearby exits already so it’s a mild inconvenience to drive 5 minutes up the road.
Big box stores.
Of course, and they are banking on the voter fatigue from the whole Issue 1 ordeal to give them cover.