Title. It seems excessive. Even when I fully power it down it tends to drop a lot more than I’d expect.
It’s the stanby/quick restart that’s doing it. It’s literally staying on. Best to use the power/shut down option in the menu vs just hitting the power button. Same was happening to me before I figured it out.
Thanks for that. I’ve been thinking of it as a sleep/hibernate function but obviously it’s not. Linux still hasn’t seemed to figure that one out for some reason. Not Steam’s fault.
Linux has a hibernate function, but the power button activates Sleep, which is higher-consumption. There may be a way to set it to actually hibernate on button press, but I’ve only seen Hibernation via Desktop Mode.
Sleep = keep processes in memory = more power consumption.
Hibernation = write most processes to disk and keep only vital system processes in memory = less power consumption.