How’s he gonna shoot anyone on 5th Ave now? Won’t someone please think of the machismo??
When you’re a star, they just let you do it.
You’re a shooting star 🎵
Don’t you know
Criminals don’t follow laws.
I get where you’re coming from, and I share in that cynicism. Nevertheless, at least one jury disagreed with that outcome. Several, in fact.
Except that he’s yet to see any penalty. And let’s be honest, he’s almost certainly going to get a suspended sentence and “probation”
This image is frequently relevant.
Shouldn’t you sit down, sir?
They’re jamming my Lemmy
Oooo. Please get caught handling a gun in NY for some stupid photoshoot, so we can see the GOP being hypocrits yet again by covering for Trump while waving pitchforks at Hunters firearm trial.
They love being hypocrites. They crave the attention.
For the record, it’s also a federal offense for him to have a firearm.
In fact, it was illegal simply handing his indicted ass that trump-branded 1911 in the gun store
You’ll notice no court made an issue of that
Edit: the pic has already been posted here,. That is an ugly ass 1911.
deleted by creator
The gun in question
It’s not too far from the truth
Huh, his hands really are tiny
It wouldn’t be so bad if he wore a suit that wasn’t 2 sizes too big.
And those dumbasses next to him are really dumb…asses.
I have a hard time believing that this clown waving a musket around at people’s faces has ever actually been to a shooting range.
He was in rotc or went to a military school, didn’t he? I have to imagine they did at least some rifle training. It was the 60s. Then again i wouldn’t be surprised if Donald weaseled out of training to go do whatever rich kids do with their free time.
Can’t do rifle training today, coach. Bone spurs are acting up.
Why do you need a gun when I pay for you to have lifetime secret service protection?
Killing people on 5th Avenue without losing voters
NRA cred
“you can pry it from my cold dead asshole!”
If Trump were to ever handle a firearm he’d likely shoot himself with it. Exhibit eclipse, bleach and “UV injections”
Tell him that the lead in the bullets are candy, and the gun works like a PEZ dispenser
Would his Secret Service detail even let him carry in the first place? I feel like that’s a no-no.
It rather is a huge no-no.
First, firearms carried for protection are far more likely to harm the household of the person carrying it (or keeping it in the house) than they are to harm an intruder.
Secondly, fighting near the client or whoever is being protected is like the single biggest fuck up they can make. If trump were to turn and try and fight, that just gives the attackers more opportunity to put a bullet in him (and probably get way more people dead.
No… somebody attacks him, they’re grabbing his neck, and getting him the fuck out of there and into a fortress.
Zero chance that fuck nut could shoot straight. Menace.
well yeah, no way you could hold a gun properly with hands that tiny
“That’s why god invented subcompacts.”
-the range warden. (I don’t like that guy.)
Two guesses how theyll treat a felon with a firearm if he gets caught with one after this
Two guesses how theyll treat a felon with a firearm if he gets caught with one after this
Did I get it in one? :D
I mean, they are his size.
“take the guns first”
Watch him, he’ll cry wolf instantly.
This motherfucker would do it just because they told him he couldn’t. I’m going to need popcorn.
I don’t think he’d know which end of a gun to pick up.
the gun they want to take off him
That’s an insult to people who own nail guns and therefore do actual work for a living.
dude chill its a joke
They can’t take that from him… his hair would fall off.
I once had my fingers up a through-and-through because the dumbass shot himself with one.
Went through his thigh and nicked his femoral artery.
Two things- “hey buddy this is gonna hurt” is a stupid thing to say, and it’s okay cuz he wasn’t really paying attention anyhow.
I would like to unread this story.
Well, if it’s any consolation, he’s alive.
And now it’s his job to make sure people don’t do what, uh, he did.