I know next to nothing of hiking, so I’d be interested in hearing of your trips and tips and whatever else!

My limited knowledge roughly amounts to go with someone (genuinely) experienced, have more water (and probably food) than you’ll think you need, good footwear, be wary of the mystery berry, and don’t try to pet/touch all the wildlife (no matter how cute they may seem).

  • Boozilla@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    This varies greatly by terrain and location, but it’s easy to get lost on some trail systems. GPS is a huge help, but is limited by battery life and the amount of data the map has (heh, doesn’t have) about your immediate surroundings.

    Many years ago, I went hiking with a large experienced group and one of the hikers (an attractive person I was interested in) got bored with the route the leader was taking us on. She talked me into splitting off with her. Sounds like the dumb premise of a porno or horror movie, I know.

    But it wasn’t fun or romantic when we got lost for a couple of hours. It was scary as hell. Fortunately, we were able to backtrack to a trail junction where the main group found us again on their way back out. We got very lucky.

    Nothing good ever came from that particular friendship, either. Other than learning some life lessons.

    Anyway, stay with your group and make sure you have navigation well covered.