Deporting people (in many cases citizens) for protesting a war. Freest country on earth, etc.
He is going to deport Americans to Russia.
Freedom of speach or something like that. Who knows, the supreme Court has shown me a few times that I have no understanding of what is constitutional.
That’s an easy answer: Money.
Money is speech therefore more money is more speech. And since it’s a democracy, more speech equals more power and the right to choose. Therefore SCOTUS has determined and upheld that money is the only deciding factor in this country.
To be fair, Amy Comey Barret forgot the freedom to protest when they asked her a softball question about the first amendment.
came to make the BiDen GeNoSidE comment, see it’s already been made unironically.
Damn, it sure would suck if Trump did the same thing Biden is doing right now.
Trump’s plan is exponentially worse than Biden’s.
Do we just have short term memory and forgot how bad trump was
I sincerely doubt that account is a US citizen, so they probably don’t really give a fuck.