So I’ve been thinking, the DOOM game code was made available openly and if I am not mistaken, was based off the linux version.

Is it right to say that’s why DOOM got incredibly popular with the “It can run on anything i.e a cash machine”

I say this because we all know Linux is a rock solid and efficient system compared to the bloat of Windows.

If anyone can enlighten me, This is pretty much why you can find DooM on almost any platform BECAUSE of its Linux code port roots?

Consider me a nutcase but I genuinely thought this was the case.

    9 months ago

    The reason Doom got a reputation that it can run on anything is that it did run on just about anything.

    The original requirement was for a 386 CPU which ran between 12 and 40 MHz. The 386 was launched in 1985. That means that at the time the Doom was released, it could run on 8-year-old hardware.