I didn’t read the “in med school” part and was expecting the reveal to be that she actually took a material science course.
I mean bones are also just fancy structures so …
That’s biomechanics and the main thing you learn in it aside from statics and dynamics is that living osseous tissue is a strange material and it bends so much more than you think it should
it bends so much more than you think it should
Especially if it’s in a child. Weird kids and their weird flexible bones.
Yeah I think about stress everyday too. Not that I have a choice though.
I majored in stress working in retail
I work at an understaffed convenience store/fast food fusion. The amount of people who make their dogshit life choices my problem makes me look longingly at tall bridges.
You have time to think? You and your luxuries!
lemmy is one of the few platforms where i’m happy to see a post i’ve already seen months before
Some posts do deserve a reminder
Ah well, not the first time I’m fighting biology as a trans dude!
Fighting biology sounds metal as hell, rock on dude! 🤘
Stress: The mind overriding the body’s natural desire to choke the ever-living fuck out of some asshole who desperately deserves it.
Did we ever figure out why we evolved brains that produce cortisol?
I think the real answer is that it plays an important role in making sure you respond appropriately to being chased by a tiger. For hundreds of thousands of years it was perfectly fine operating in that role, and then in the last ten thousand we accidentally created a civilization where some people get way too much of it.
Also, humans are not machines, we need rest and relaxation. It’s debatable for why, but life would be a lot more boring if we didn’t have a need for relaxation, art, recreation, etc. Just pure work for survival.
Because people who are born lucky enough to have an easy life are likely to have more kids.
Using cortisol to magnify that improves selection bias.
The rest is math.
Evolution is a bitch.
Uh, poor people tend to have more children than rich people.
See? That’s why rich people are better!
Just stop being poor, problem solved.
Makes sense to me!
Jokes aside, this actually IS in fact the only effective method I’ve found to create lasting change in life – basically, you have to find a way to reframe your situation into something that’s temporary, rather than making it a core part of your identity. Basically, if you consider yourself poor (or homeless) BY DEFINITION, all you’ll ever see is evidence to support that fact. But by doing so, you are in fact robbing yourself of any chance of improvement because if the situation is unfixable, there is no point in even making an effort to try. But if you don’t even try, it simply becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and then you are indeed stuck with no way out.
So in a way, you do in fact have to gaslight yourself in to believing the opposite about yourself, and then attempt to validate that idea by looking for evidence to support it. This can of course be rather difficult at first, but the more you practice it, the better you’ll get. And the better you get at it, the more you’ll believe it, which ends up making that idea another self-fulfilling prophecy that ends up replacing the former.
In a lot less words: fake it till you make it.