How about a law stating that the terms of all contracts with corporations be listed in a public registry?
You want the state to enforce the terms of your agreement, you put that agreement out in the open. No secret laws, and no secret laws-by-proxy.
This is already illegal, though.
Using third party parts/repairs is not cause to void a warranty in the US (Magnuson Moss), and most of Europe and Australia are stricter than the US is.
Now that is an idea. Me like. Of course, that means business will fight against it sooo
The use of aftermarket parts in repair is relatively common. This provision requires independent repair shops to destroy the devices of their own customers, and then to snitch on them to Samsung.
That’s just pure evil and bully. If you have aftermarket parts they will destroy the device and force you to pay for it. This is the reason we need right to repair. Every consumer should support it.
I love how our government allows foreign corporations abuse their citizens. Samsung is not the only one. Hyundai, Mercedes, Volkswagen… Etc. They all fuck Americans sideways and our government is just watching.
That’s ok, Rest of the World governments also allow Microsoft, Google, Apple, Meta and others to fuck their citizens sideways too. <3
Guess all peasants around the world are fucked side ways.