About 20 years ago when it first came about this was also a question and Valve said they would “find a way” to unlock games for everyone. Now back then, that was when they only had Valve games on Steam, and a weird ninja game that I bought but never played, setting a president for all time…
Also like all steam applications bundles with Steam’s DRM, right?
Wonder what happens when valve/steam shut down one day.
About 20 years ago when it first came about this was also a question and Valve said they would “find a way” to unlock games for everyone. Now back then, that was when they only had Valve games on Steam, and a weird ninja game that I bought but never played, setting a president for all time…
Must have been Bush… I think the word you were looking for was precedent.
Sorry yes, in my defence I was 40.1 degrees fever at the time so sentence structure didn’t seem important either.
No worries. I thought it was funny.