My first ever post to lemmy! This has been so confusing to figure out…
I may have just sent you a comedically long DM about this post specifically and how I feel about it. Anyway, I find this really, really, really fucking hot. Seriously. Thank you for posting this, and thank you for posting your nudes on Lemmy in general. I mean that.
I’m glad you took the time to figure it out!
I feel like a boomer learning new technology
It’s definitely strange after using Reddit for so many years. I believe in you!
I guess the more you use it the more it’ll make sense
I’m not clicking a link under a post where I say I don’t know technology
To save you the risk, I checked what it is:
It’s a music video for a song named “Look Into My Eyes (While I M@sturbate)”
Fits the title of your post.
Bless you- I’m glad you understood my hesitation. 💕
So hot; I love getting to watch! I’m glad you pushed through the difficulty :)
It’s a process but I think I’m getting the hang of it
Oh boy am I glad you’re here.
Thanks for having me