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Hopefully people that bought the game in those countries will get a full refund.
I’m not in one od those countries, but I’m currently waiting to see how it pans out. If they leave it in I’ll probably try and get a refund. I hope the people living in psn excluded countries try and get it refunded as well.
It’s a shame because the game is fun with friends. But I’d rather make a statement than just let it slide.
Wonder what the implications are for future ps games on steam.
If they don’t walk back these changes, expect every PS title to get reviewbombed, even if it doesn’t make sense, by angry nerds. That’ll probably be to the only implication, so it’s on Sony’s beancounters to determine if that’s more important than falsely inflating MAUs for a quarter.
Some dipshit MBA be like, “I won’t be here in a year that can be the next guys problem lmao”
Is there any knowledge as to whether Sony made this call, or Valve? If Sony, clearly a sign that they’re not gonna change their mind about the PSN requirement, but where will that leave the people in those countries that already own the game.
Could see Valve doing it preemptively as well because why would they allow Sony to sell this game on their platform in countries if they’re just gonna take the game away from the people who bought it.
I don’t think anyone has really hard evidence on how exactly things went down at this point, but I believe Sony owns the IP, so it’s very possible Arrowhead’s hands were tied on the matter.
Sony presented the terms, Arrowhead agreed. They are just as responsible.