We write our language (swiss-german) like this 😂 everything is allowed and there are strangely very little misunderstandings. Only bad thing about is, that swiping keyboard rarely work with it.
And us german-germans think you are very weird and you might as well call your spoken language something other than german, cause no one can understand it anyways. Also why are you so afraid of this: ß?
Unforchunetly, Ingglish speling duzn’t laiyn up with saowndz wun-tuh-wun.
Spelling things how you say them can lead to people misunderstanding or causing unintended(?) pain.
We write our language (swiss-german) like this 😂 everything is allowed and there are strangely very little misunderstandings. Only bad thing about is, that swiping keyboard rarely work with it.
And us german-germans think you are very weird and you might as well call your spoken language something other than german, cause no one can understand it anyways. Also why are you so afraid of this: ß?
It’s too sharp they don’t wanna get cut