Negligently. It’s a crime during the hysteria the New York Times stoked by publishing atrocity porn without any editorial oversight. I’ve handled several dozen guns and have yet to find one I could accidentally fire. Only willful criminal negligence about the most basic gun safety rules makes a gun go off unintentionally.
You have to be really fucking up to negligent discharge. Guarantee this cop fuckup had his finger in the trigger well while drawing it. Pity he didn’t blow his femoral and off his useless self
Negligently. It’s a crime during the hysteria the New York Times stoked by publishing atrocity porn without any editorial oversight. I’ve handled several dozen guns and have yet to find one I could accidentally fire. Only willful criminal negligence about the most basic gun safety rules makes a gun go off unintentionally.
You have to be really fucking up to negligent discharge. Guarantee this cop fuckup had his finger in the trigger well while drawing it. Pity he didn’t blow his femoral and off his useless self