Pretty much, I’m looking for a game where I’m not the hero, I’m not the protagonist, I’m just a pawn in the big picture.

Preferably a game with a big open world too, one that feels real and isn’t just a predetermined path for my player.

I also like games where you aren’t clearly stronger than all your opponents like you’re some sort of God so they actually feel intimidating and there is a fear of dying

All suggestions are welcome

Thanks :>

    2 years ago

    It is and I think it makes them into not jump scares. But here’s a good description. Slight spoilers for a small section of dlc.

    In the DLC, there are stealth sections. Alien creatures patrol certain areas that you need to sneak by. Normally, if they notice you, they will turn on their lights to get a better look at you, creep up slowly, then charge you with a scary sound effect very quickly. Spooky music starts playing, and you get killed. With this setting on, they will no longer turn on their lights. This means they will only see you if you have your light on. Secondly, they will no longer charge you. Instead, they walk VERY slowly towards you. It’s quite easy to avoid them like this. Finally, if they do catch you, no scary music, and no creepy sound effects will play. They still kill you, but the animation leading into it is much more gentle and it’s not scary at all. The “killing” animation is just them blowing out a candle you’re holding.