Well, technically it doesn’t say your connecting walls have to be straight, just 80 feet long. Not exactly sure how you’re going to make them connect up into a hexagon or star out of “four turrets with square bases, each one 20 feet on a side and 30 feet tall, with one turret on each corner”, but if you’ve got a diagram I’d love to see it. 😆
Any self respecting tactician would copy a 15th century actual proven in use fortress. If you are limited to four turrets, then the drawing on top is best.
Well, technically it doesn’t say your connecting walls have to be straight, just 80 feet long. Not exactly sure how you’re going to make them connect up into a hexagon or star out of “four turrets with square bases, each one 20 feet on a side and 30 feet tall, with one turret on each corner”, but if you’ve got a diagram I’d love to see it. 😆
You absolutely just have to say “hey DM don’t you agree it’s dumb this 8th level spell doesn’t let me use my existing hexagonal star fort model?”
Any self respecting tactician would copy a 15th century actual proven in use fortress. If you are limited to four turrets, then the drawing on top is best.