A small but growing movement of millennials are seeking out a more agrarian life but the reality of life on the land is not always as simple as they hoped
Yeah I grew up with a friend whose parents owned a ranch (one of the biggest in the area, but still a family operation) and the way he told it, they didn’t really make money, they just (usually) made enough to keep up the payments on their mountains of debt. The main reason they’re even doing it is simply because their family has been doing it for generations, not because they’re turning much of a profit
Yeah I grew up with a friend whose parents owned a ranch (one of the biggest in the area, but still a family operation) and the way he told it, they didn’t really make money, they just (usually) made enough to keep up the payments on their mountains of debt. The main reason they’re even doing it is simply because their family has been doing it for generations, not because they’re turning much of a profit