Main points:

  • the premise of the show came out of nowhere, Scrulls were set up as the good guys in Captain Marvel
  • the small rooms and few characters reduced the perceived gravity of the situation
  • Giah’s dilemma between her father and Graviks revolution was skipped over
  • there was no ‘secret’ to the show, the viewers were omnipotent omniscient; the plot was rushed and everything that could have been an exciting reveal has been wasted
  • we learn nothing about the president, his actions make no sense
    2 years ago

    Oh definitely no! This one stands on its own. MI has never tried to make an overarching plot universe that spans multiple movies. They’re all pretty much standalone.

    The only one that even comes close is Fallout, which doesn’t “require” prior viewing to understand, but is more impactful, if you’ve previously seen Rogue Nation where the villain first appeared.