Xi Jinping: “People should have housing and should be able to afford living in their houses.”
Ten Thousand Western Op Eds: “This guarantees the inevitable destruction of the Chinese Economy.”
Compared with 12 months ago, let alone the go-go years, the mood in China is dour. Although industrial production perked up in March, consumers are depressed, deflation lurks and many entrepreneurs are disillusioned. Behind the angst lie deeper fears about China’s vulnerabilities. It is forecast to lose 20% of its workforce by 2050. A crisis in the property industry, which drives a fifth of gdp, will take years to fix. It will hurt cash-strapped local governments that relied on land sales for revenues and flourishing real estate for growth. Relations with America are steadier, as a phone call between Mr Xi and President Joe Biden this week attested. But they remain fragile. Chinese officials are convinced that America will restrict more Chinese imports and penalise more Chinese firms, whoever wins the White House in November.
If AI was worth a fucking damn, I would love to see a LLM applied to this article relative to this absolute dick-sucking machine hagiography of the Saudi Line
We’re getting into some weapon’s grade as Western economists shit themselves in fury at China while cumming enthusiastically at Saudi Arabia for engaging in the exact same state-centric economic planning strategies.
Nevermind that the Saudis are being driven off a cliff by a 30-year-old Chud Gamer with a fetish for American mega-malls, while the Chinese are getting the benefit of the Immortal Science to inform their planning strategy. You would at least think a Free Market Spank Bank like The Economist would be able to draw a line between the two from a “Oh look! Command Economies!” high level perspective.
Xi Jinping: “People should have housing and should be able to afford living in their houses.”
Ten Thousand Western Op Eds: “This guarantees the inevitable destruction of the Chinese Economy.”
If AI was worth a fucking damn, I would love to see a LLM applied to this article relative to this absolute dick-sucking machine hagiography of the Saudi Line
We’re getting into some weapon’s grade
as Western economists shit themselves in fury at China while cumming enthusiastically at Saudi Arabia for engaging in the exact same state-centric economic planning strategies.
Nevermind that the Saudis are being driven off a cliff by a 30-year-old Chud Gamer with a fetish for American mega-malls, while the Chinese are getting the benefit of the Immortal Science to inform their planning strategy. You would at least think a Free Market Spank Bank like The Economist would be able to draw a line between the two from a “Oh look! Command Economies!” high level perspective.