It’s not that qualities like leadership and morality are required for the Presidency, it is the implicit understanding that the American people, as a whole, would filter those men and women with the best qualities among the populace to the top. However, instead, we have a hijacked political system where only 2 lobby-chosen candidates do not need to convince the populace of their leadership skills, only that they’re not as bad as the other guy. The 2 party establishment killed the presidency.
It’s not that qualities like leadership and morality are required for the Presidency, it is the implicit understanding that the American people, as a whole, would filter those men and women with the best qualities among the populace to the top. However, instead, we have a hijacked political system where only 2 lobby-chosen candidates do not need to convince the populace of their leadership skills, only that they’re not as bad as the other guy. The 2 party establishment killed the presidency.