It is simply too late to try to suppress China. The United States must either spend seriously on research and development, along with industrial policy, or it will lose the race for twenty-first-century technological supremacy.
I’m still undecided if the hype for the 5G AI driven “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is warranted though.
Fuck no it isn’t. It’s a useful tool, but it’s not anywhere near the level of being able to truly change the world like electricity (or any other equivalently huge invention) imo. Biggest problem is how good visual and audio faking has gotten, we already have a big problem with people falling for facebook minion memes, seeing videos of government officials say they eat babies is going to break people’s brains to a never before seen degree
seeing videos of government officials say they eat babies is going to break people’s brains to a never before seen degree
And I’m pretty sure the problem is going to be tackled in China while having disastrous effects in the West and all they’re gonna say is “ChyNa indErnEt cenSrorShip otoRitarIan”
I’m not even sure China will have to do that much, people there already actually trust the government and its institutions generally, at least much more than Amerikkkans or Europeans do,
Fuck no it isn’t. It’s a useful tool, but it’s not anywhere near the level of being able to truly change the world like electricity (or any other equivalently huge invention) imo. Biggest problem is how good visual and audio faking has gotten, we already have a big problem with people falling for facebook minion memes, seeing videos of government officials say they eat babies is going to break people’s brains to a never before seen degree
And I’m pretty sure the problem is going to be tackled in China while having disastrous effects in the West and all they’re gonna say is “ChyNa indErnEt cenSrorShip otoRitarIan”
I’m not even sure China will have to do that much, people there already actually trust the government and its institutions generally, at least much more than Amerikkkans or Europeans do,