Artificial intelligence is spurring a new type of identity theft — with ordinary people finding their faces and words twisted to push often offensive products and ideas
Artificial intelligence is spurring a new type of identity theft — with ordinary people finding their faces and words twisted to push often offensive products and ideas
To a certain extent that’s just impossible since the degrees you’d have to go to for enforcement would inevitably lead to someone genuinely talking about a product they prefer getting penalized. Think of the episode of south park where the one girl turns out to be a living advert.
There has to be serious limitation on bandwidth usage. First to ban targeted advertisement, second to make national, state level, and local adverts all get equal air time, and third to cut the amount of broadcast time that can be used for advertisement and page space that can have advertisements.
There’s a notable difference and good lawyers should be able to write the law around it.
The lawyers aren’t who I’m concerned about, it’s the social media corps who’ll just take to banning anyone who talks about any brand ever.
You’ve basically silenced brand criticism because it can be seen as a backhanded advert for the competition.
All the shittalk about the battlefront classic collection would get people banned for advertising BG3 by speaking negatively about its competition on the games market.
Sounds stupid, is stupid, would happen anyways, especially if the corpos caught onto it and started paying for ban waves in their favor.
It’s a mad world, in every sense of the world, isn’t it?