ISIL posted a photo on one of its Telegram channels on Saturday claiming to show the four men who launched the attack. The group said the attack was part of ISIL’s “raging war” on countries fighting Islam.
Interesting that the Islamic State completely ignores Israel, given that Israel is in the process of digging tunnels under and denying Muslims access to the third most holy site in all of Islam…
You forgot the fact that Israel is killing mostly innocent civilians in Gaza, using U.S. weapons. It’s almost as if they are trying to create terrorists. I know I would be pissed if it happened to me…
The US was founded on using US weapons to kill innocent civilians in a quest to steal their land while creating terrorists along the way. It is a tradition!
ISIS also sells the majority of their oil to Israel
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If that was the case, then it is surprising how they never attack Israel.
Probably more difficult to get into Israel in the first place tbh.
Plus isn’t mossad meant to be good at spying on people? And yes we all know about their “failures” that lead to the Gaza invasion.
Russia is supposedly so good at intelligence that they can manipulate the elections of their greatest geopolitical rival.
They also have over 22K kilometres of border, some with ex soviet countries, which the shooters are supposedly from. How difficult do you think it is for someone to get into Russia, really?
Compare that with Israel.
That’s why the CIA is doing so well in China, right?
Why would ISIS do that? Hamas has done it and achieved desired effect - Israeli reaction to the act of terror with sequential condemnation by many countries of the Israeli responce. ISIS wants unification of Muslims under their banner into Khaliphate. Having terror act in Israel only unite Israelis in their fight against terror and will validate Israel in the eyes of the world.
Muslims aren’t exactly popular in Russia, and maybe there’s an opportunistic element to it. Israel likely has it’s defences up.
…but I don’t really think ISIL is a likely culprit. More likely that they are claiming responsibility for something that was much more home grown.
Stop talking confidently about this unless you have some sort of information the rest of us don’t. This kind of speculation is what leads to wild conspiracy theories.
They’re claiming responsibility, they are the most likely culprit. Until we have evidence to the contrary we have no reason to believe it wasn’t them.
A home-grown coalition of 11 perpetrators, working in concert, with access to weapons and explosives, and who were paid by an unknown benefactor?
I’m sure Putin will bomb another Ukrainian kindergarten to help him through this difficult time.
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On the counter, how many provable Nazi kindergartens has Putin bombed?
The onus of proof is on the one making the claims.
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Now prove the claim you made.
The claim that it has not been shown that there were Nazis there? Gestures broadly
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I mean the lack of existing evidence. Still haven’t seen any evidence from any source.
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Ah yes, nazi kindergardens. If you believe that I’m sure you support Israel too because they only bomb civilian buildings containing Hamas fighters.
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For some reason posting pictures on Connect just doesn’t work so let’s say I post a picture of a Hamas fighter in a hospital, does that mean Israel is now allowed to raze Gaza like they have?
Also my neighbor is a refugee from Ukrain and her husband was executed during the Russian invasion. The husband wasn’t in the military so fuck you too.
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So if I find a picture with enough Hamas fighters in a civilian building then what Israel is doing is going to be OK?
Also how can you unironically say Ukrainians are guilty for Russia invading them? That literally the same rhetoric used by Israel to kill Palestinians and sounds like you’re no better.
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Anti-Putin American propaganda isn’t going to help you understand this issue. It’s only going to make you reactionary.
Reactionary unlike the homophobic theocracy leaning dictatorship currently invading Ukraine?
how’s “get bent” for reactionary?
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I didn’t realize ISIL was still a thing.
@sentient_loom yeah they’re still a thing, just very loose-knit. Eg “the Ansars” in this article on Cabo Delgado.
They got quite reduced but apparently had many operations planned in Europe that were thwarted.
US intelligence even warned Russia earlier this month that an attack like this was suspected.
Mobilization is coming