Render on the left, real product photos on the right. (clay render and wireframe in comments)

    1 年前

    Wow really well done! The only things I found worth pointing out are the cushion, which I feel has just a teeny bit too sharp noice. I feel like it would look better if it was just a bit softer while having about same scale and amount of detail. The other one is that wood, which I think is little bit too reflective and polished looking, my guess would be that there isn’t pbr textures in the game? Also the wood pieces look a bit too similar so the joints are not as clear as they are in original photo.

    But all of those are just really minor things and not really even noticeable without the original photo on side to compare. (And also opinion based since none of those really affect realism since the real product could just have less noticeable joints, super polished wood and more coarse textile)

    All in all really nice results and it’s super good start for realistic living room scene. Propably better than what I would’ve accomplished😄

    you really inspired me to open up blender again and try to make something similar from start to finish, I usually stop at texturing because it’s hard and I find it annoying to find good texture images without paying :D