That’s because the government has had tech way beyond even what we have today. They just peace-meal it out to us bro. They’ve been coordinating mass propaganda against us 1984 style since like. Before 1984.
Also. The government is so incompetent they can’t provide health care better than private insurance companies. Obviously.
They won’t provide or create the framework for proper health care in the US because private health care is a very effective extortion scheme that can pay for the laws they want.
And the pharma companies like it like that.
"Oh, you like living? Too bad you live in the US, where we will charge you 10x what everyone else in the world pays for the insulin you need to survive. Pay up or die.
There is a reason the US has the most expensive health care system in the world, while the health care system quality using objective criteria,l is usually around rank 40-60, below practically all western countries, below cuba and comparable to Armenia or Morocco.
The US is also basically the only industrialized country where medical bankruptcy is a thing.
You’re not wrong, but I think the above poster was sarcastically pointing out that people who believe that the government is highly coordinated and competent don’t trust the government to run healthcare because it’s too uncoordinated and incompetent. Both incredibly strong and also laughably weak.
Sounds reasonable… you’ve got my vote
“The moon landing was staged, but Stanley Kubrick demanded to shoot on location.”
Gee , think about all the logistics that goes into this obvious stage ~on the location~
Upvote for Beastwars
I don’t get to talk about Beast Wars enough these days.
Beast Wars used to be great.
It still is, but it used to be too.
Thx Mitch
Beast Wars was so dope.
I don’t think it was staged or something but if I look at 2001: A Space Odyssey, I really am fascinated by the good visual effects, so the raw filming could probably have been done, but most Nasa documents of that time are online and there is no possiblity everything would have been fake.
Nah, the technology to fake the moon landing straight up didn’t exist in the 60s. There’s a really good video on youtube that goes over it but I can’t seem to find it right now. But basically, even though there were some nice techniques to make special effects for movies, they wouldn’t have worked for faking an actual moon landing.
For some reason, to me at least, there is a good amount of irony in this. Almost like because the technology and techniques to replicate a convincing moon landing weren’t around they just went there instead lol
Yeah, that’s why I love that fact too. Sending a rocket into space and landing on a tiny ball of rock was literally easier than pretending to do it.
Well yeah but that’s just the CGI that’s available to the public. Everyone knows the governments been using holograms since the 60s. Wake up.
Why holograms in the '60s? Didn’t you hear about the experimental hallucinogen laced AC units?
No but are they still accepting applications for that one or…?
Nah, you just gotta ask the folks in the know, “‘Token’ AC?” and they’ll hook you up /s
I mean the CGI was awesome at the time, I was also 7 so take that with a grain of salt.
Yeah, I was around the same age. It was high tech!
Unironically, this is actually my favorite take on the moon landing conspiracy. The technology to fake the footage and photos we got simply didn’t exist at the time.
My take is that they hired Kubrick to make the footage but he insisted on shooting it on-location.
fun fact, there’s an official render of dinobot (beastwars character) where he has a dick
… proof?
“dirk dinobot”
You one of those crazy people who believes in the moon‽
Wow a wild interrobang appeared!
I know it may not seem like it, but this gorilla is computer generated.
I mean, Apollo 13 the movie literally came out the year prior so we had the ability to depict the moon landing with CGI in the 90s.
Most of that movie was done with practical effects and miniatures. The CGI was relatively minimal since it was so weak back then.
Wow that intro brings back memories.
Kind of surprised it only went 3 seasons/55 episodes, seemed popular at the time.
There were also two seasons of Beast Machines, but it wasn’t quite the same.
I do not get it. Why 1996? What’s relationship of that date with the moon landings?
If in 1996 cgi was shit in the 60s it would never be better than this. In reality it didn’t even exist.