Another fantastic Spider-man movie!
How does it compare to the first one. Is it better?
Technically and design wise I think it improves on the first in basically every way, it’s difficult to compare the story though since the first was much more self contained (if such a thing is possible in a multiverse movie lol)
I loved it. No issues with the cliffhanger or it being a two-parter except for the wait time. Fantastic use of the medium fantastic story, great pacing etc.
I know this is going against the grain here, but I felt it was way too bloated and referential. The cliffhanger was just insult to injury.
That said, the parts that were good, were fantastic, I just wish they weren’t buried in quippy nonsense
Yeah I agree they sort of built a HUGE world with lots of story lines, but I have a feeling that combined with the next part it will be really awesome!
I hope so, I really enjoyed the first one, so sitting through 2h20m of setup just to not get an ending was a bit of a slap in the face. Especially since it was really just starting to get going
Quippy nonsense
Guardians of the Galaxy was the only film to popularise that, and to make it funny.
Every other Marvel film followed suit, and it just felt cheaper and cheaper everytime
Yup, I totally agree. I was really disappointed to see spiderverse follow suit with it
The opening with Gwen was incredible. I have minor quibbles about where it ends as a Part One, but beyond that I really enjoyed it.