No, if anyone should get their territories back it is the indigenous people who were subjected to European colonizers stealing it.
The Land So Nice They Stole it Twice™
Inb4 some US Latino claims they are indigenous because Mestizo, ignoring how mestizos nowadays also have African and middle eastern ancestry mixed in as well.
Liberals support this idea of Israel belonging to Jews 2k years ago or something and that justifies taking the land from Palestinians. This land was Mexico less than 300 years ago. So I’m sure they would support this as well.
No, it should be given back to the indigenous people, like the rest of AmeriKKKa
Especially with the tradition to give land ownership to the people who first discovered it, the land thief by European immigrants which are illegal even under the European laws, the continued imprisonment of Indigenous people in dangerous barren federal reserve concentration camps until the prisoners surrender all the fruit of their labor, the current chemical attacks against Indigenous people in concentration camps, the inability to achieve promise to provide all the living necessities to imprisoned people in concentration camps, the Indian Residential fake school Holocaust that became the Nazi Holocaust, the inheritance thief of abducted or murdered children under the fake cultural assimilation project, the misuse of Indigenous parents’ funding in the Indian Residential fake schools under the promise to make the enslaved children into elites of European immigrant society, and the inability to provided reparation due to mismanagement by authoritarian corrupted European immigrant officers.
It’s full of Americans, pass
Please we yearn for freedom
why do mexican states have normal looking borders while the us ones are square jokes?
Europe if it was colonized by the US
far too generous, there wouldnt be that many small states
Well, the Mason Dixon line was the first arbitrary, straight line on a map border in history. Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon plotted the border between Pennsylvania and Maryland using astrological navigation techniques, in the field, and had a crew of lumber jacks with them to physically cut the border through the wilderness.
Why does the u.s. canada border cut through a city
nah, that is normal border fuckery. straight line borders is colonial border fuckery though.
Look at the canada u.s. border it’s a straight line
US states got a stick up they ass
The states need new names then. We can call Nevada Norte California, Arizona can be Este California, Utah is Puta, and New Mexico will become Nuevo Nuevo Mexico.
Or just leave the Indian names as they are because that’s in some cases literally the only remaining indication of the original inhabitants of that land, sadly.
In the future, after a US collapse? If it’s not going to the indigenous peoples (which is the most ideal situation), definitely. Mexico, while a colonial state, at least seems likely to have the perks of being majority of indigenous descent (Mestizo), and also having the demographic strength to deal with and suppress whatever troublesome Yanks are squatting on that land.
One thing’s for sure, not with those state borders!
BUT also make it full with all of Oklahoma, Kansas and Wyoming, borders of states will need to change after being reincorporated and the rest of USA states should become some kind of United Indigenous republic with the exception of Hawaii which will obviously be independent along with Puerto Rico, Guam and the rest of the non-State occupied islands.
So basically 10 states back to Mexico and the rest of the continental ones united into Indigenous republic along with all Canadian Provinces. Everyone can stay after except reactionary white yanks. But that will obviously have to wait until USA collapses, Mexico can’t do it currently.
It would be the compassionate solution and give the people in the illegally occupied parts of Mexico a chance to uplift themselves.
I personally don’t think they should get everything back, but I think that getting some back is feasible. like the territory of the Gadsden Purchase (except for Tucson). And parts of rural Southern California as well.
You’re telling me they owned Wyoming, Kansas and Oklahoma?
In a just world borders would be whatever, so not a big deal.
I mean if its a choice between America owning it and Mexico owning it, then definitely mexico
but i’d rather have the land given back to the native tribes