I’ve listened to the Poor Proles Almanac and they’re basically left-unity (anarchist) preppers. Their information is probably useful either way, though. I just started listening to It Could Happen Here, and the first episode is pretty cringe. Robert Evans is anti-Assad and thinks a Syrian civil war type scenario could happen here. He praises maidan coup fascist protesters (without mentioning their fascism or US backing). And of course, he thinks a collapse could be soon in 2019 and a lot of crazy stuff has happened since, but no civil war. I’ll keep listening critically to see if he has anything decent to say, but not looking good. As the empire crumbles and climate change gets worse is a collapse scenario realistic?

  • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    That’s the problem with just-in-time logistics and production. There are no reserves and no capacity to create them. It’s the same throughout the western world. I reckon it’s one of the reasons the western states were so shit through the pandemic. They couldn’t do what China did even if they wanted to. Simple lack of capacity. It was easier to give the appearance that politicians just didn’t care about people’s health, which comes with the added advantage of garnering even more support from the death cult half of the population.