Hi, apologies in the long delay on this release. It took a couple days for Google to approve it and it went through a number of beta rounds before the bugs were ironed out. This release brings swipe customization and a couple new settings. As always thank you everyone for your feedback!
- Swipe customizations
- Comment navigator now moves to where your previous comment was and not centered
- Image caching should be a bit smarter now and release memory when not in view
- volume navigation now defaults to OFF
- edge to edge display now defaults to OFF
- Image close gestures can now be controlled in settings
- Post card layout UI improvements
- Added setting for double tap to like posts
- Post card is now affected by the ‘handedness’ setting
- The list of moderated communities now shows up in the sidebar
- Adds list of Admins/Mods to the about instance and about community pages
- Current Sort title text is now in the tertiary theme colour to make it stand out a bit more, removed 'via ’ text.
- Added option to see full upvote and downvote counts on post cards
- The top app bar should now appear sooner when scrolling up
- !community markdown now correctly links to a community
- Card view with height limited will crop the image versus displaying the image fitted to the container
Also I’m testing out a fix to some comments not appearing on 1.0.109 beta, let me know how that looks. Next on my list is either drafts or an improved video player.
Edit: 1.0.110 beta changelog
- Adds draft functionality for posts and comments
- Adds video player for most video types (still experimental, working out the bugs on this one)
- Fixed going into comments from the inbox not scrolling the view
Love it