Fantastic article, thanks for sharing! I had a hard time trying to figure out how to reply to you since we’re on different domains, but I found a reply button in my message notifications… The pains of learning a new platform!
I’m excited to read some more articles from Pluralistic :)
We should nationalize the big tech companies, or at least mandate that they operate on open protocols. There is no good reason to allow these mega tech companies to keep making profits off the back of the value that is almost entirely created by the users. Especially when making those profits makes the product worse for the very users that make it’s existence possible.
I’d be glad to see some changes, but I’d be pretty concerned to see a large part of big social being nationalized and run by the US government. Especially with one of the USA’s two political parties openly supporting fascism.
I think the best thing we can do right now is work on alternative platforms and protocols that do not rely on tons of VC money to stay afloat.
There is. It’s the mandatory search for profit under the current economic model. In case you haven’t read this excellent piece on the topic. It circulated here a few days ago under another poster expressing similar concerns.
E: Here, found the discussion. The article is still an insightful read.
Fantastic article, thanks for sharing! I had a hard time trying to figure out how to reply to you since we’re on different domains, but I found a reply button in my message notifications… The pains of learning a new platform!
I’m excited to read some more articles from Pluralistic :)
Figured. I’m pretty new as well. It takes a few days to get used to but it’s pretty easy to use afterwards. I like it. Enjoy your stay!
That was fascinating and depressing.
We should nationalize the big tech companies, or at least mandate that they operate on open protocols. There is no good reason to allow these mega tech companies to keep making profits off the back of the value that is almost entirely created by the users. Especially when making those profits makes the product worse for the very users that make it’s existence possible.
I’d be glad to see some changes, but I’d be pretty concerned to see a large part of big social being nationalized and run by the US government. Especially with one of the USA’s two political parties openly supporting fascism.
I think the best thing we can do right now is work on alternative platforms and protocols that do not rely on tons of VC money to stay afloat.
Lmao, Lemmy has hit “hug of death” levels