%%last updated to match The Deprogram Wiki on 2024-01-03%%
As revolutionaries, we don’t have the right to say we are tired of explaining. We must never stop explaining. We know that when the people understand, they cannot help but follow us.
— Thomas Sankara
These articles seek to explain various fundamental Communist concepts. However, these are often oversimplistic and sometimes reductive and they are no substitute for reading actual theory. Please see the Study Guide for details.
Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.
— Karl Marx. (1845). Theses On Feuerbach
These articles aim to dispel common myths and misconceptions about a variety of topics.
Logical Fallacies
Naming and Shaming
Ideological State Apparatuses (ISA)
Thanks for porting this over!
No problem. Will Lemmygrad get its own wiki feature eventually, or should I post these on Prolewiki and link from there instead?
No, Lemmy doesn’t seem like it’s getting its own wiki system. Prolewiki+link sounds best.
Updated mirror with new articles on the subreddit wiki.
Updated with changes and new articles on Cuba and Che Guevara.
Recently, the r/TheDeprogram subreddit was threatened with banning by Reddit admins. I got the go-ahead to mirror the subreddit wiki on lemmygrad in case. I have made a few formatting changes to better suit Markdown formatting and corrected a few typos. Full credit goes to the original authors of the wiki.