So I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of researching /r/unclebens and I just don’t have the time with work and my schedule. I live in Southern California and I understand it isn’t exactly legal yet even though it apparently isn’t enforced. As a person who is looking to try micro-dosing to help with depression, is there a way I can source what I need in pill form or dried? I’ve heard of recreational marijuana dispensaries in SoCal that sell it but there isn’t a list of them out there as far as I can tell. Any advice outside of just following through with the uncle Ben’s option?
Just get a grow kit. You only have to water them every day for a couple of weeks. Everything else is already done for you.
How’s something like this look -
I can’t give too much advice on sourcing (besides to make friends with the restaurant staff, concert people, or even DND folks near you), but I can speak to the hallucinogen experience for depression.
I micro (sometimes more of a macro) dose 2-4x per year, usually in the summer. I haven’t found it to change my depression at all, outside of the day I trip. That day is an 8 hour giggle fest. Other than that… the subsequent days are the same as before.
I’m sure you’ll have a good time regardless, I’d err on the side of a half or quarter dose vs a true microdose, but definitely don’t expect a magic bullet
I don’t know about sourcing the finished product, but growing my own turned out to be less work than I expected. I was working long hours at OldJob and pretty burned out, but once the grow got to the point of needing daily attention it was less than five minutes morning and evening to mist and fan my grow tub, and I ran the food dehydrator overnight as needed. YMMV but, for me personally, it was doable during a time when I was dragging myself through every day.
Did you follow the uncle Ben’s approach? Am I on the right track with that one? I can commit about a shelf or two of a closet to this process so I’m limited space wise.
Nah I used the PF tek which was a fair bit more complicated. Wish I’d known about uncle ben’s last time I grew. I kept the grow tub on top of my dresser, so not too much space.
I’m looking for easy, so hopefully I don’t bungle the UB route. I’ve killed air plants before so I have the opposite of a green thumb.