It’s gone from blocking all negotiations with Russia while saying “Ukraine can achieve a military victory” to “sanctions will overthrow Russia” to “sanctions on Russia aren’t working” to “Ukraine can’t militarily win” to now acknowledging that this can only end via negotiations.
Well, by “quick” I meant the last two stages happening in western outlets in just the last month.
Literally not a fallacy, your reasoning hinges on Great Man Theory. The two most popular parties (the second being the communist party) both mainly support the war and the assassination of a sitting President would not, in fact, make the country more dove-ish. It’s a cartoon view of the conflict that the war spawned from Putin’s brain and is his personal pet project that he is subjecting the rest of Russia to.
Holy shit I literally just made a comment saying maybe libs would move on from this branded catchphrase and then I scroll down one co.ment and here you are.
Serves me right for thinking libs would ever learn to interact with reality.
Interesting to see western outlets change their narratives this quick.
Well anyway, hope this actually happens and an end to this war is finally negotiated.
What exactly changed here?
It’s gone from blocking all negotiations with Russia while saying “Ukraine can achieve a military victory” to “sanctions will overthrow Russia” to “sanctions on Russia aren’t working” to “Ukraine can’t militarily win” to now acknowledging that this can only end via negotiations.
Well, by “quick” I meant the last two stages happening in western outlets in just the last month.
These comments are cute.
Watch how quick reactions change when you ask, “Which states should the US surrender to prevent the Russians invading?”
The thin veil of your “might-makes-right” argument is sad.
Oh, man. Wait until you learn about how the USA was formed, developed, and expanded.
Sorry Russia, all sales final.
There’s an easy way to end this war: either kill Putin or have Putin resign.
Great man theory and its consequences
Literally not a fallacy, your reasoning hinges on Great Man Theory. The two most popular parties (the second being the communist party) both mainly support the war and the assassination of a sitting President would not, in fact, make the country more dove-ish. It’s a cartoon view of the conflict that the war spawned from Putin’s brain and is his personal pet project that he is subjecting the rest of Russia to.
Not literally but if somebody programmed the Lib-O-Matic 3000 it would be indistinguishable.
I’ll bite: why do you think that would end the war?
Because it takes away the puppet Russia has been building and nurturing this whole time.
I’ll be honest, I don’t get what you’re saying
He’s scared to say the NAFO-fied spelling of Putin, knowing the wrath of the incoming maelstrom of pigpoopballs
Fuck it I dont have anything better to do.
Who is “russia” that has been working behind the scenes to build up Putin.
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This is magical thinking. “If the enemy were to simply disappear, everything would be fixed.”
You have to engage with the reality of the situation.
Holy shit I literally just made a comment saying maybe libs would move on from this branded catchphrase and then I scroll down one co.ment and here you are.
Serves me right for thinking libs would ever learn to interact with reality.
He’s incredibly popular, along with the war. If he goes, someone else takes his place.
That’s easy to say, I don’t think either of those things is easy to do.