pretty quiet week this week if you ignore whatever the hell is going on with our bathroom toilet, which has a diagnostic issue we can’t troubleshoot and which has flooded once this week. calling maintenance once again to see if we can figure this out so i don’t have to plunge every third time we flush (ironically it’d be way easier if we just had to plunge every time–but it’s the times we don’t that make this extremely bizarre)

    1 year ago


    Like I get having a house and wanting/needing to fill it. Or seeing something that you’ve always wanted and buying it, even if you don’t need it (for me, it’s games on Steam). But this is ridiculous. It took 4 trips with moving trucks (a 26’ [7.9m] and 15’ [4.5m]), plus numerous trips with their SUV. Hopefully my parents, especially my mom, will start going through it all and either getting rid of old stuff or consolidating. They have at least one more move once they buy their “final house” – god, that sounds morbid – but I said if they have the same amount of stuff or more, that I won’t help. It’s just too much to move.

    Though it’s an empty threat: I’ll still help them move 😒