Whoever put this up near me is a fucking legend.
Legend has it that someone local to my parents place complained to the nearest town police about people constantly rolling through the stop sign at the intersection in front of their house. The police parked up within sight of the intersection, and the first person they pulled over for a rolling stop was the same one who had called in the complaint.
Story goes the cop immediately gave up and drove back to the nearest town where he came from.
This is great. I don’t even care if it’s not true or didn’t happen, this is great
I need one of those for my neighborhood. Everyone rolls through stop signs and they get mad at me for stopping at them. Also someone on my street straight up ran over the stop sign while texting and driving. World class drivers
Where I live, some of the STOP signs have a square white sign underneath them that says “EXCEPT FOR RIGHT TURN”. This is unbelievably fucked up because drivers not from the area who see only the back of the octagonal STOP sign assume that the drivers approaching the intersection from the other side are actually going to stop. Even I sometimes forget about the exception sign and get surprised by the other driver barreling on through - although not very often since drivers here so frequently fail to stop as it is.
We’ve been getting more roundabouts lately. I feel like we need the opposite as I have to sit behind someone coming to a complete stop for an empty roundabout…
I got rear ended by someone because the person in front of me thought a yield sign means stop when merging onto the highway. Fucker didn’t even realize it and drove off
This is the most accurate image I can find of drivers in Dallas.
Inaccurate, not enough Nissan Altimas with paper tags
What is a paper tag?
Temporary license plates that you get from the dealer to use while the real ones are still in the mail.
Interesting. Here, cars have normal plates on them at the dealer registered to the dealership’s address. The registration is transferred to the buyer’s name at the time of purchase.
My town has a bunch of people riding bikes because they lost their license from too many DUIs, the rest are drunk drivers that haven’t lost theirs yet.
Hmmm maybe encouraging drunk driving isn’t a bad idea
Seems like a good idea on paper, but they ride bikes about as well as they drove their cars.
Killing someone while drunk cycling is a lot harder at least.
Bikes cause less damage than cars when someone crashes them.
Still an improvement
Now if only someone could put up similar signs about turn signals.
I find a lot of drivers like to start their signal halfway through the turn.
That’s more than most of the drivers do around here.
That’s because if you signal too early the other drivers move into your blind spot like they’re defending a race position. Of course, doing it too late means a crash. They have to see you doing it.
That’s why I always hit my emergency flashers right after I commit to the lane change.
We have a few people in my neighborhood who love loud engines and subwoofers
This sums up the demeanor and intelligence of a lot of drivers where I am.
It’s a shame I can’t do the same for the speed limit because they keep stealing the fucking sign
What is?
You’re not in Europe, but 33% of all cars have European license plates. And 1% of those are actually driven by Europeans.
I would like a Belgian one with the snazzy red background and white lettering.
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Congratulations you just killed a kid on a bicycle you dumb, selfish shitstain of an excuse for a human.
Hah, cry more.
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Unfortunately, you failed to convince me
The only person who can convince you is you. Good luck!
Thanks, enjoy your muffins!