I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but it’s crazy to me too when I say I’m playing The Finals exclusively.

I just find it so much fun. Embark are doing such a great job tweaking things and reacting to community feedback on a weekly basis. There are about 30 days left in the battle pass and I’m almost done with it. I haven’t bought it yet and only will if I beat it since it gives more coins than it costs to buy. So the $20 I gave to Embark already will essentially stay in my wallet. They also recently increased the XP gain in the game by about 50% so it might be good for others to hop back in if the BP felt unattainable.

If I am able to finish the BP, then I’ll be going back to Spider-Man 2 or starting Jusant.

What about all of you? What are you gaming plans for the week?

  • Panties@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Rollerdrome. The art style is nice, gameplay is a wonderful combination of roller skating and combat. Difficult, very satisfying.