I have a NAS which I use for storage and I have a Pi which I use for serving applications.
I thought I could just throw Calibre Web on the Pi, point it to my NAS and then be good to go. Charlie_Murphy_Wrong.gif
So Calibre Web said it needed a Calibre database, cool. I installed Calibre proper and created the database. But its not aware of my chosen book location.
I feel like I’m going all about the houses and introducing a level of complexity beyond what is required? Before I knuckle down and persist with this, I thought I’d ask and make sure I’m going in the right direction for what I’m trying to achieve?
Kavita is also my solution.
OPDS (by user to boot), fast, clean, and with a pretty decent web reader option if you want it. Comics, manga, books - all in one.
Me three!