American conservative genocide boners at full mast.
Go burn down a “christian” conversion center in return.
No, no, no.
An eye for an eye makes the world blind.
Burn down two conversion centres and make them blind first.
This guys playing chess while the rest of us are playing checkers…
And these are the best ideas we have had so far as humans, how to solve a conflict.
Strange that the world is still full of conflicts…:)
…just like Jesus would.
“And so white, gun-toting, American Jesus said unto them: ‘Burn that muthafucka to the ground!’”
No hate like Christian love
Or vice versa
How long until they start bombing them like they did abortion clinics back in the day?
This is genocide. It will not stop until we are exterminated and driven to extinction, or
ChristianityChristian ideologyis destroyed and left with a reputation every bit as terrible as that of Nazi ideologydies out and is recorded accurately in the history books as the atrocity it is.[Reworded for clarity.]
I’m attacking the ideology and stating that it needs to be removed from our system, and power seized from those that support it. NOT that Christians need to be forcefully removed from society. They say we have no right to exist, and attempt to purge us by force and genocide. We must fight by peacefully but forcefully exposing their ideology for what it is until it is history.
American Christianity is antithetical to trans rights.
Trans rights are human rights.
Pretty easy to see who needs to be regulated.
Your answer to genocide is genocide? The fuck is wrong with you?
I don’t mean to fucking kill them, sheesh. Just to keep them from converting our kids in the schools, push their “moral” ideas in the government, etc, until the religion dies out. “…until Christianity is destroyed…” not “go violently destroy Christians.”
You talk about Christians the same way the Far Right talks about trans people.
If you don’t realize that, that’s sad If you do realize that, you’re no different from the fascists and should be ashamed of yourself.
I believe their ideology needs to be exposed for what it truly is, and we should fight them peacefully by educating the next generation about their atrocities.
They believe I should burn in hellfire for an eternity, converted to their ways, or killed in hate crimes. They believe my livelihood should end, our business should be violently burned and destroyed, and I should be the victim of humanitarian atrocities until I convert or die of suicide.
If there is no difference in that, then there is no difference in any war or ideological conflicts.
Were the allies wrong for seeking peaceful alternatives and, finally, declaring war on the Nazis? Is Ukraine wrong for defending its existence against Russia? Were the first secular academics wrong for insisting on their right to teach and pursue science when the justice system of the time was literally burning a few of them at the stake, and socially outcasting and tormenting the rest of them? Was the United States wrong in defending the right of universal freedom against the threat of the Confederate States?
There is a difference… We fight with truth, we assert our right to exist by peaceful means and, if it comes to it, self-defense.
They fight with hate, doctrine, abuse and hellfire. They fight for removal of our right to peacefully exist and be accepted. They ensure the next generation of dogmatic oppressors by teaching in the culture and the schools, normalizing the quiet abuse of any of their children who refuse conform to it. I know first hand. I was one of those children.
You don’t know Christianity, you only know the ways in which horrible people have misused it to hurt you, and because of that you’ve let yourself become as wicked as them.
That is sad, but one day you will heal and your heart will know peace. I know I was in the same boat. I’m still not a Christian, but I don’t hold disdain for them anymore.
Those ‘horrible people’ were all Christians lol. Have you read that awful book they love so much?
Dashing babies’ heads against rocks is great! Slaves are a-okay! Give your daughters to a mob to be raped so your guests aren’t bothered! Oh, and genocide is awesome too.
It’s a terrible religion that somehow occasionally makes decent people. Jesus had some good ideas, but they do their best to ignore as many of them as they can.
Because you cherry picking the worst parts and ignoring historical context and allegory is totally different from when fundies cherry picking the worst parts and ignoring historical context and allegory.
that’s a no true scotsman. Christianity is not an ideal, its whatever people who call themselves Christians do. and in the US, evangelical Christianity is the core of the republican party, the most likely to be anti-vaxxers, the most likely to be bigots, the most likely to interfere with other people’s rights. the belief system the people trying to drag us back to the middle ages hold to is absolutely relevant to understanding why they hate queer people, immigrants, poor people, homeless people, black people, jewish people, muslim people, asian people, women, and themselves.
i don’t know what you get out of telling people who have been repeatedly and consistently victimized by people and governments that call themselves Christian that they do not know what Christianity is, that they are wrong for seeing the institution that treats them like shit as something to be dismantled. the harm being done by self-professed Christians to marginalized people is real and getting worse, and forgiving somebody when they have not changed their behavior is just enabling them to continue doing harm.
Are you just yelling out random fallacies until you find one that comes close to describing my argument? I remember when I used to think that’s how debating works, damn high school was wild.
I’m not saying to forgive people who use Christianity as an excuse to bully others, I’m saying not to blame the faith itself for the actions of jackasses, and to recognize that by calling for the complete extermination of the faith and everyone involved in it, you’re acting like a literal Nazi.
I’m not telling marginalized people that their pain doesn’t matter, I’m telling them that hatred will not heal their wounds and in fact make them worse. I know because I used to blame the existence of religion for all that was wrong in the world, but then I grew up and realized it’s not so simple.
Oh good lord, here come the False Equivalency Patrol 🤦
Naw, this is correct equivilance. Intolerance cannot be tolerated
Intolerance of… a hateful belief that most of them choose. And one that the one’s who don’t choose (children) are forced into? That intolerance? idk seems like it’d be fine to be intolerant of hate
My friend, the core concept of Christianity is to do charitable actions in the name of Christ, how is that hateful?
Have some horrible people perverted that core concept to justify horrible things? Yes, but I can say the same about literally any ideology.
And the award for “Purposefully Missing the Point” goes to, drum roll please… 🥁🥁🥁
It’s not even genocide. It’s intimidation though arson- which in-and-of-itself is incredibly shitty, but these kids love sensationalizing things to ridiculous levels. And they don’t realize how badly it muddies the waters.
The intent is the extermination of an entire people through violence, intimidation, repression, etc.
It’s Genocide
Your definition is inaccurate to the point of not making sense.
To be clear, I am not defending them, but the people carrying out these attacks don’t see being trans as an inherent part of the person.
By the definition of “genocide” you gave, wanting to eliminate (for example) illiteracy would involve genocide against illiterate people; it’s one heck of a jump.
There’s a substantial gap between “get rid of the thing we see as helping cause this” and “kill everyone affected by this.”
The outrage has already been manufactured. There’s no stopping the kids now.
You’re comparing a religion to not knowing how to read?
No, I’m comparing word usage and was clarifying why the statement was inaccurate.
And in doing so, your go-to example was comparing a Religion to Illiteracy, implying Religion in and of itself is a mental defect…
Ya know who believed Religion was a mental defect?
I know I just broke Godwin’s law, but… Jesus
Let’s burn down their churches. They are a waste of space and energy. Being heated and powered 24/7 for only a day or two of worship services is incredibly frustrating, especially when there’s a church on every block (in my location, at least).
Let’s build libraries and community centers and low-cost daycare centers on that land instead.
No need to burn a perfectly good building when you can just repurpose it…
It’s a church. The enemy lives within. Better purge it from evil before reusing it. /S
Edinburgh is great inspiration for that
You’re projecting. Are you going to add synagogues and mosques to your list of targets? You’ll notice they never interview the pastors of school shooters, talking about how devout they are. Instead you hear about how their associates were afraid of them and how they were known hurt animals.
Synagogues and mosques are at most 1 per middle sized city. Churches are in the tens, and are basically in every shithole imaginable. Comparing numbers from 2021, churches outnumber mosques ~1:150 (2 800 vs 380 000).
Based on your numbers, if it were determined that the person who burned down the clinic were Muslim, would you burn down a few churches anyway? How about we just not use arson as a tool to attack those we disagree with, even rhetorically.
I just presented the numbers, but I totally would reduce churches in the US. Modern Christianity is a stain on the the face of earth.
I am so profoundly saddened by the behavior of those that claim that their violent destructive antisocial actions are fuled by something “holy” or “pure”, by those who are so afraid of not having the answers that they pretend to have them all in a single old book…
That people would do this to others for nothing…
…Well I’m officially horrified.
stop them any way possible! They are helping the wrong people!!!
- the modern day christofascist moron
This reminds me… I haven’t heard the media call everything terrorism in a good while!
Is it time to start again? People who work from home are terrorists too right?